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Today we would like to tell you about an inspiring event that took place last week at the Zollverein UNESCO World Heritage Site. The second symposium on “Natural refrigerants in application” was a complete success, and we had the privilege of hosting this important event together with SKADEC GmbH.

The symposium provided a platform for the intensive exchange of knowledge and ideas in the field of natural refrigerants. Five high-caliber speakers led us through informative presentations on various aspects of the topic, including information on refrigerants, concepts and application examples for propane installations, operator obligations and innovative collection systems. Special thanks go to our excellent moderator Eugen Schmidt, who led the discussion and guided our guests through the day.

The conference not only offered professional insights, but also the opportunity to network and share experiences. During the first-class catering, the participants had the opportunity to make contacts and exchange ideas in an informal atmosphere.

The highlight of the day was undoubtedly the panel discussion, where participants had the opportunity to ask their questions and have them answered by the experts. This interactive part of the event contributed significantly to the fact that we were able to gain valuable insights together.

Finally, the day ended with a fascinating guided tour of the Zollverein UNESCO World Heritage Site in Essen. This industrial heritage impressed us with its history and its importance for our region.

We are grateful that we were able to host this symposium and would like to thank all participants, speakers and guests who contributed to its success. Together, we are shaping a more sustainable future with natural refrigerants and are committed to protecting the environment.

Many thanks to everyone involved, and we look forward to future events that will further promote exchange and cooperation.